Interview with Lee Ji-ho

Ji spoke to me daily. His thing was that nice guys should always finish first, but last when it came to their pleasantries. He’s all about being the gentlemen, but I suspect underneath is a tiger waiting to be unleashed.  Ji-ho: I’m a decent guy. I...

Interview with Eva Munroe

Miss Munroe wanted more prime time, but in the end, she was willing to settle for a backstage pass. She comes in and offers her advice, but today she wants to tell everyone about her date with Bi. Eva: First and foremost let me tell you that Bi is a hottie. I never...

Drink All of Me

Drink All of Me Revenge is best served with carefully crafted moments. Lee Mi-ja is anything but lucky. Bullied all through school, she feels as if everyone is out to punish her. But when a freak accident offers Mi-ja a chance at a new life, she seizes the opportunity...