Cover Reveal: The Genesis Project

Cover Reveal: The Genesis Project

As promised! Today is the big reveal for the revamped, re-edited, The Genesis Project. I’m really excited about this one. It’s close to my heart. Not that the other books but this one, man, I loved the world that was created and all the possibilities that...
Cover Reveal: The Genesis Project

Writing During COVID Playlist 3

Playlist #3 is now coming at you. In my head, I thought it was going to be in three pieces but it seems I’m wrong. So there will be at least two more posts in the coming weeks that will help me finish off the playlist for New Beginnings. What I’ve added...
Cover Reveal: The Genesis Project

Writing during COVID Playlist Part 2

I’m reflective this evening. I’m listening to some pretty amazing music right now. I love the sound of the flute. It’s therapeutic, and soothing. I’m finally getting around to putting in part 2 of my playiist for New Beginnings. I had started,...
Cover Reveal: The Genesis Project

Writing During COVID Music Playlist Part 1

Playlists are quite the thing for me. I listen to music when I shower/bathe when I cook when I clean, and when I write. Music is apart of my everyday life. I even have music going during work as long as there are no meetings. And of course, after the meeting is over,...
Cover Reveal: The Genesis Project

Writing Durin COVID-Schedules

It’s Monday night, and I got a late start. The reason is simple. My schedule was thrown out of whack. I love to plan and when things don’t go according to plan, I do one of two things. I go with the flow, or I crack, buckle, and burn and do absolutely...

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